FMCI press release No. 2 on the FMCI action plan relating to the earthquake
September 23, 2023
FMCI press release No. 2 on the FMCI action plan relating to the earthquake
FMCI field mission program
16 septembre 2023
FMCI field mission program
Interview with Nabil BENAZZOUZ President of FMCI
September 15, 2023
Interview with Nabil BENAZZOUZ President of FMCI
Press release from the FMCI concerning the ELHAOUZ earthquake
September 9, 2023
Press release from the FMCI concerning the ELHAOUZ earthquake
ETIC FMCI meeting on the program contract.
July 27, 2023
ETIC FMCI meeting on the program contract.
Meeting at FMCI headquarters with the regional manager of the DAR ALHANDASSA Group
July 18, 2023
Meeting at FMCI headquarters with the regional manager of the DAR ALHANDASSA Group
Official launch day of the technological complex of the Ministry of Equipment and Water
July 14, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the official launch day of the technological complex of the Ministry of Equipment and Water
Official launch of the strategic study to overhaul the approval system for consulting and engineering offices
July 03, 2023
Official launch of the strategic study to overhaul the approval system for consulting and engineering offices by the Minister of Equipment and Water Nizar BARAKA and the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ.
Meeting of the Market Commission of Consulting and Engineering
June 24, 2023
Meeting of the Market Commission of Consulting and Engineering
Information day organized by the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research CNRST
June 22, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the information day organized by the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research CNRST in Rabat on the proposed association of Morocco with CERN AS an associate member state
Meeting at FMCI headquarters with the President of the Mediation and Arbitration Center
June 16, 2023
Meeting at FMCI headquarters with the President of the Mediation and Arbitration Center
Meeting of the Board of Directors of ASMEX
June 12, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the meeting of the Board of Directors of ASMEX held in Casablanca.
Meeting with AMDIE and FNBTP
June 7, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ and members of the Board of Directors in the meeting with AMDIE and FNBTP
Internal meeting of the statutory committees of the board of directors of FMCI
June 2, 2023
Internal meeting of the statutory committees of the board of directors of FMCI
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the day of the American Concrete institute and AMIB
May 30, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the day of the American Concrete institute and AMIB
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the day on mediation and arbitration
May 24, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the day on mediation and arbitration
Meeting with members : NOVEC
May 22, 2023
Meeting with members : NOVEC
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ at the reception at the Belgian embassy in Rabat
May 16, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ at the reception at the Belgian embassy in Rabat
ETIC FMCI FNBTP meeting on the program contract.
May 15, 2023
ETIC FMCI FNBTP meeting on the program contract.
International congress organized jointly by PIARC and AMPCR
May 11 and 12, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the international congress organized jointly by PIARC and AMPCR
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the investiture ceremony of the Director of the EHTP
May 10, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the investiture ceremony of the Director of the EHTP
Innovatel innovation days at Hassan II University in Casablanca
09 May 2023
Participation of the President and other members of the board of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the innovatel innovation days at Hassan II University in Casablanca
meeting at the DATRP on the finalization of the CPS and RC terms of the study on price benchmarks
08 May 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ and members of the Board of Directors in the meeting at the DATRP on the finalization of the CPS and RC terms of the study on price benchmarks
Board Meeting of the FMCI
02 May 2023
Board Meeting of the FMCI
meeting of the monitoring committee of the program contract
April 13, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the meeting of the monitoring committee of the program contract
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the UNIDO mission on the recovery of construction waste.
03 to 05 April 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the UNIDO mission on the recovery of construction waste.
meeting organized by ARCI Casablanca and its eco system: FNAGRI, FIMME, etc.
March 18, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the meeting organized by ARCI Casablanca and its eco system: FNAGRI, FIMME, etc.
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the presentation day of MEE investment projects in Rabat
March 15, 2023
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the presentation day of MEE investment projects in Rabat
Participation in the restitution seminar of the prospective study conducted by the MCA and the Ministry of Employment
06 and 07 March 2023
Restitution of the work of the workshops in which the FMCI, including JESA, had actively participated in 2020 / 2021.
FMCI Board of Directors Meeting
February 28, 2023
Following the partial renewal (1/4) of its members at the OGM of February 02, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Moroccan Federation of Consulting and Engineering "FMCI" held its meeting on February 28, 2023 at the headquarters of the FMCI in Rabat.
During this meeting, measures were taken to ensure:
@ The further development of the activities of the regional and sectoral associations of the Federation and in particular with the advent of new representations such as the regional association of Dakhla Oued Eddahab and the two new sectoral associations for management and certification.
@ The efficiency of the FMCI's statutory committees by appointing a trio of members of the board of directors to head each committee:
- IC Organization Commission: BENYA, INGESMA, LPEE;
- CI Markets Committee: TECHNIPROJET, JESA, NOVEC;
- CI Legal and Tax Commission: SERD, MIBIANE, ABEIS;
- Commission for communication and scientific and technical influence of the
Program Contract Commission and consolidated roadmap: IDAFA, HYDRAUMET, LABOROCHE.
@ the updating of the action plan and the roadmap for each commission and the compilation within the overall FMCI roadmap.
Election of Mr. Nabil BENAZZOUZ, Chairman of FMCI
February 02, 2023
The Ordinary General Assembly of the Moroccan Federation of Consulting and Engineering "FMCI", which was held in Rabat, unanimously elected Mr. Nabil BENAZZOUZ President of the Federation, in accordance with the statutes, for a period of four years. .
During the work of this general assembly, to which the members were convened, reading was given to the moral and financial reports, before opening a debate on the orientations that the Federation can adopt in order to continue, enrich and support the sheet route approved by an integrated and efficient work team alongside the members of the board of directors made up of the presidents of regional and sectoral associations and colleges of professions and specialties. .
The participants unanimously expressed their satisfaction with the results obtained thanks to the work of the outgoing team, and welcomed the positive results presented, before unanimously approving the moral and financial reports. .
The participants in the election process led by a commission chaired by the dean of the members present and conducted in accordance with the statutes of the FMCI amended on June 02, 2022 and the rules of procedure, voted unanimously for a list of ten members led by Mr. Nabil BENAZZOUZ.
Round table: "Consulting and Engineering and strategic intelligence in development"
February 02, 2023
Organization of the 15th national consulting and engineering day under the theme: “Consulting and engineering and strategic monitoring in development”
And this as part of the series of days of reflection on development issues.
This round table was moderated by a Panel made up of eminent guests endowed with a proven strategic vision on development and secreted through a long operational experience in the field within their respective ecosystems.
Mohamed MALAL, Chairman of the Infrastructure, Energy, Mining and Environment Committee at the House of Representatives;
Amina BOUKTAB, Director of the Engineering and Development Division at the HAO of the ALOMRANE Group;
Mohamed BENHMED, President of the Moroccan Innovation and Emergence Alliance.
Tarik NASSIF, Development and Commercial Director at the JESA Group;
Chakib KHALIFA, Managing Director of LEAN WINGS;
It was inaugurated by a word of welcome from Mr. Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI who recalled the context and the objectives of the organization of such an event.
Several recommendations were made by the speakers and enriched by the debate and exchanges with the participants.
Participation in the Morocco today forum
02 December 2022
Participation in the Morocco today forum
Organization within the space stand of the FMCI of the side event
November 26, 2022
Organization within the FMCI space stand of the side event on standardization, certification and mutual recognition with the participation of the Director of IMANOR.
Participation in conferences organized by the CNOA and the FMC
November 25, 2022
Participation in conferences organized by the CNOA and the FMC on the sidelines of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22
Organization within the space stand of the FMCI of the side event
November 24, 2022
Organization within the space stand of the FMCI of the side event on the role of consulting and engineering in governance on the sidelines of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22 Reception of the official Gabonese delegation at the FMCI stand on the sidelines of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22
Organization of the first conference of the scientific program of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22
November 23, 2022
Organization of the first conference of the scientific program of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22 Entitled "What a collaborative, innovative approach for integrated quality management of the act of building"
Participation in the inauguration of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22
November 22, 2022
Participation in the inauguration of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22
Meeting n°11 of the National Office
November 21, 2022
Meeting n°11 of the National Office
Interview given to the LE MATIN Group
November 16, 2022
Interview given to the LE MATIN Group on the new provisions of the 2023 finance bill
Participation in the Tuesday panels of the industrial branches
November 15, 2022
Participation in industrial branch Tuesday panels chaired by the Minister of Industry and Trade
Participation on the sidelines of the road congress
November 12, 2022
Participation on the sidelines of the road congress in the Visit of the New Port of Dakhla
Participation in the round table on regionalization
November 11, 2022
Participation in the round table on regionalization and the role of the road in the presence of the President of the region of Dakhla Oued EDDAHAB, Director General of Roads, Director of CFR and Director of NARSA
Presidency and animation of workshop n° 1 of the congress
November 10, 2022
Chairing and animation of workshop n° 1 of the congress on planning, design and financing.
Inauguration of the new FMCI regional association
November 10, 2022
Inauguration of the new regional association of the FMCI in Dakhla in the effective presence of the Minister MEE and his guest ministers of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa and the Wali and President of the region of Dakhla Oued EDDAHAB Reception of official delegations and visitors within the stand set up by the FMCI.
Signing of the FMCI agreement. EHTP. FNBTP
November 10, 2022
Signing of the FMCI agreement. EHTP. FNBTP in the effective presence of the MEE and its guests from sub-Saharan Africa.
Participation in the meeting organized by FIDIC and ICC
October 14 and 15, 2022
Participation in the meeting organized by FIDIC and ICC on mediation and arbitration.
RBN No. 11
October 07, 2022
RBN No. 11
Participation 4th international conference
October 06, 2022
Participation in the 4th international conference on sustainable mobility
FMCI participation in the symposium
October 05, 2022
Participation of the FMCI in the symposium on Water organized in Casablanca
Hearing of the FMCI by the National Authority for Probity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption
September 30, 2022
Hearing of the FMCI by the National Authority for Probity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption
AMPCR General Assembly
July 26, 2022
AMPCR General Assembly Renewal of bodies Nabil BENAZZOUZ re-elected as Vice-President of the Moroccan Association of Road Congresses, whose Honorary President is the Minister of Equipment and Water.
Meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the Government / FMCI program contract
July 26, 2022
Meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the Government / FMCI program contract
Road congress preparatory meeting
June 30, 2022
Road congress preparatory meeting
Participation in the World Day for Health and Safety at Work
June 23, 2022
Participation in the World Day for Health and Safety at Work chaired by Minister M SAKOURY
Meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Government / FMCI program contract
June 14, 2022
Meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Government / FMCI program contract
Meeting with senior MEF officials
June 13, 2022
Meeting with senior MEF officials on the procurement decree, chaired by the SG of MEE.
Extraordinary general meeting
June 02, 2022
Extraordinary General Meeting on the measures to be taken with regard to institutional and regulatory deadlines and revision of some clauses of the FMCI statutes Adoption and support of the updated BN roadmap
RBN No. 10
May 31, 2022
RBN No. 10
Participation in the preparatory meeting for the SIB exhibition
07 April 2022
Participation in the preparatory meeting for the SIB 22 exhibition in November 2022 held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Urban Planning, National Land Use Planning, Housing and City Policy "MUATNHPV".
Participation in the second meeting of the steering committee
05 April 2022
Participation in the second meeting of the steering committee for the implementation of the program contract between the Government and the FMCI.
2nd Meeting with the DATRP
March 24, 2022
2nd Meeting with the DATRP on the review of order access systems, the regulatory review and the enhancement of consulting and engineering services: phase 1.
Conference on the techniques of wind resistance studies
March 17, 2022
Conference on the techniques of wind resistance studies, case of pilot works
Conference on the techniques of wind resistance studies
March 17, 2022
Conference on the techniques of wind resistance studies, case of pilot works
Hearing dedicated to the FMCI
March 16, 2022
Audience dedicated to the FMCI granted by the Minister of Equipment and Water MEE.
Meeting with the National Agency for Public Facilities
March 16, 2022
Meeting with the National Agency for Public Facilities "ANEP" and creation of a joint working committee.
Participation in the meeting of the board of directors
March 09, 2022
Participation in the meeting of the board of directors of the Hassania School of Public Works.
Meeting No. 5 of the Implementation Monitoring Committee for the Engineering and Business Development Program Contract
March 09, 2022
Meeting no. 5 of the Implementation Monitoring Committee for the engineering and business development program contract signed in September 2018 with the government.
Meeting n° 8 of the FMCI National Office
March 07, 2022
Meeting n° 8 of the FMCI National Office
Participation of the FMCI Chairman in the work of the ANEP Board of Directors.
February 25, 2022
Participation of the FMCI Chairman in the work of the ANEP Board of Directors.
Working meeting with ASMEX authorities.
February 10, 2022
Working meeting with ASMEX authorities.
Meeting No. 4 of the Implementation Monitoring Committee for the Engineering and Business Development Program Contract
February 08, 2022
Meeting No. 4 of the Implementation Monitoring Committee for the engineering and business development program contract signed in September 2018 with the government.
Resumption of the work of the joint commission with the DATRP
February 02, 2022
Resumption of the work of the joint commission with the DATRP following the framework meeting of January 12, 2022. Action plan in two immediate provisional phases and global review of the BCI accreditation systems and Q/C of laboratories and remuneration of benefits.
Preparatory meeting for the 11th National Road Congress
January 19, 2022
Preparatory meeting for the 11th national road congress to be held in November 2022 in Dakhla.
Resumption meeting of the MEE / FMC joint commissions
January 12, 2022
Resumption meeting of the MEE / FMCI joint commissions according to a new approach.
Meeting n° 7 of the FMCI National Office
December 30, 2021
Meeting n° 7 of the FMCI National Office.
First meeting of the steering committee for the implementation of the FMCI FNBTP Government program contract
December 28, 2021
First meeting of the steering committee for the implementation of the FMCI FNBTP Government program contract under the chairmanship of the Minister of Equipment and Water and with the participation of senior representatives of the signatory ministries of the program contract and the presidents of the two FMCI federations and FNBTP.
Participation in the day of workshops on road studies
December 23, 2021
Participation in the day of workshops on road studies in the presence of members operating in the ecosystem and representatives of MOA.
Participation in the consultative meeting held at the DGRTT
November 16, 2021
Participation in the consultative meeting held at the DGRTT on road studies.
Participation in the Webinar on climate organized by the World Bank.
November 15, 2021
Participation in the Webinar on climate organized by the World Bank.
Participation in the AGO
03 November 2021
Participation of Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI and member of the Board of Directors of ASMEX at the AGO.
Participation in the SISTEP opening panel
October 05, 2021
Participation in the SISTEP opening panel: industry at the heart of economic development.
Participation in the meeting of the Board of Directors of ANEP
September 20, 2021
Participation in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Agency for Public Facilities "ANEP".
Participation in the meeting of the Establishment Council of EHTP
03 September 2021
Participation in the meeting of the Governing Board of the Hassania School of Public Works "EHTP".
Participation in the workshop organized by the Ministry of the Interior
02 September 2021
Participation in the workshop organized by the Ministry of the Interior on resilience vis-à-vis the management of risks related to natural disasters.
The meeting n°6 of the FMCI National Office
June 30, 2021
Holding of the meeting n°6 of the National Office of the FMCI.
Participation in the meeting of the Board of Directors of ASMEX
June 30, 2021
Participation of Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI at the meeting of the Board of Directors of ASMEX as a member of this Board.
FMCI National Board meeting n ° 6
June 30, 2021
FMCI National Board meeting 6 held.
Participation in the ASMEX Board of Directors meeting
June 30, 2021
Participation of Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI in the meeting of the Board of Directors of ASMEX as a member of this Board.
Participation in the day organized by MUATNHPV and MHAI
June 30, 2021
Participation in the day organized by MUATNHPV and MHAI on the National heritage and its sustainability.
Follow-up meeting
April 15, 2021
Meeting to monitor the implementation of the Program Contract concerning METLE commitments.
Participation in EHTP
April 13, 2021
Participation of Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hassania School of Public Works "EHTP" as a member of this Council.
Participation in the BERD workshop
March 26, 2021
Participation in the BERD workshop on the role of consultancies.
Participation in the meeting held at the Ministry of the Interior
March 15, 2021
Participation in the meeting held at the Ministry of the Interior on risk management.
Reception of a Mauritanian ministerial delegation in the premises of the FMCI
March 04, 2021
As part of the official visit program of a large Mauritanian Ministerial delegation organized from 1 to 06 March 2021 under the aegis of the Ministry of National Territory Development, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy «MUATNHPV» , Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the «FMCI», accompanied by several members of the National office welcomed on Thursday, March 4, 2021 in the premises of the Federation in Rabat the members of the delegation composed of:
- Kane IBRAHIMA, Chargé de mission in the Prime Minister’s Office;
- Babe ABBAD, Advisor to the Prime Minister's Office;
- Moussa GAYE, Technical Advisor to the Ministry « MHUAT » ;
- Idrissa TIRERA, Director General of Public Buildings and Facilities at « MHUAT » ;
- Ebaye OULD MAYIVE, Director General of Transport Infrastructure at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport;
- Mohamed MAHAH, Secretary General of the Federation of Buildings;
- Cheikh OULD SID’ AHMED, Consultant in charge of the studies of the development strategy and the upgrading of the construction sector.
During this meeting, fruitful exchanges took place to explore the potential contribution of consultancy and engineering in the stimulation, development and accompaniment of the Maroco - Mauritanian partnership in spatial planning, infrastructure and housing as well as synergies with Mauritanian BTP professional bodies.
Note that this meeting is perfectly in line with the national strategy of the Moroccan Federation of Consulting and Engineering «FMCI» aimed in particular at the development of knowledge-to make it national, its outreach and its sharing with brother and friend countries and this in perfect symbiosis with the objectives of the program contract signed with the Government in September 2018.
Mission to Dakhla
February 26, 2021
Mission to Dakhla in official delegation of operators and leaders and plenary meeting with the Wali of the Region, local authorities and regional authorities.
2nd meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Contract Program
February 23, 2021
Meeting n°2 of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Contract Program chaired by the Secretary General of METLE with the participation of representatives of the various ministries, the FNBTP and the FMCI
Meeting with the consultant in charge of the contract PMO
February 20, 2021
Preparatory meeting at FMCI headquarters with the consultant in charge of the contract PMO.
5th Meeting of the national office of FMCI
February 12, 2021
5th Meeting of the national office of FMCI, examination and resolutions on the implementation of the contract program and the progress of priority actions of the Consulting and Engineering.
Meeting with the Secretary General of the «METLE»
February 05, 2021
Meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water «METLE» on the progress of the implementation of the contract program and the priority actions specific to Consulting and Engineering.
Meeting with the consultant in charge of the contract PMO
January 29, 2021
Preparatory meeting at FMCI headquarters with the consultant in charge of the contract PMO
Webinar organized by «UMAQ»
January 28, 2021
Webinar organized by the Moroccan Union for Quality «UMAQ» on the role of quality in economic recovery.
Sending of a letter memorandum to the «METLE»
January 26, 2021
Sending of a letter memorandum to the Minister of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water «METLE» to speed up the relaunch of the implementation of the Contract Program and the intentional priority projects of Consulting and Engineering.
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the EHTP School of Engineers
January 22, 2021
Meeting with the consultant in charge of the Contract Program Implementation
January 21, 2021
Preparatory contact meeting with the consultant in charge of the Contract Program Implementation Plan organized by DATRP.
Meeting with the Presidency of the Government
January 20, 2021
Meeting with the Presidency of the Government in joint committee CHG/FMCI. Competitive development of Consulting and Engineering and contribution to economic recovery.
Meeting with the major contractors
January 13, 2021
Meeting with the major contractors: The Directorate of Ports of Maritime Public Areas «DPDPM», Contributions of Consulting and Engineering in the governance of major structuring projects.
Fourth meeting of the FMCI National office
December 30, 2020
Launch of FMCI's second member survey
December 30, 2020
Launch of FMCI's second member survey on the COVID19 impact and ways to collectively re-launch the Council and Engineering
Participation in the Webinar organized by Attijari Wafa Bank
December 14, 2020
Participation in the Webinar organized by Attijari Wafa Bank and chaired by the Minister MICIEVN and the President of the CGEM on the development of national know-how and the investment bank "War room".
9th meeting of the Joint Commission “TGR/FMCI”
December 09, 2020
9th meeting of the Joint Commission “TGR/FMCI” to finalize the recasting of the text of the Procurement Decree
Mission to Laayoune to meet with colleagues from the south and some government officials
November 26 and 27, 2020
Participation in the world conference "How to design the cities of tomorrow"
November 04, 2020
Participation in the world conference "How to design the cities of tomorrow" organized in Rabat under the chairmanship of the Head of Government and the MATNUHPV
Participation in the work of the Qualification Committee of experts involved in the OSH sector
October 13, November 24 and December 17, 2020
Participation in the work of the qualification commission of experts intervening in the sector of Occupational Health and Safety chaired by the Ministry "MTIP"
Participated in the «FMC» Webinar on Innovation in Construction Materials and Processes
October 13, 2020
Convention with the Ministry of Health and the National Federation of Health «FNS»
October 10, 2020
8th Meeting of the Joint Committee TGR/FMCI
October 1, 2020
Meeting with Rabat City Council
September 28, 2020
Meeting with Rabat City Council on development opportunities for Council and Engineering in the Rabat region
Letters addressed to the Head of Government
August 28 and September 14, 2020
Successive letters addressed to the Head of Government concerning the circular notes on the framing of the finance law and general studies
Meetings at "DATRP"
July 15 and 17, 2020
Meetings at the DATRP at the request of the FMCI and under instruction of the METLE on the ongoing institutional projects: Total redesign of the accreditation system, mode and levels of remuneration of the board and engineering, Review of the qualification system and classification of laboratories. And meeting on the implementation of the program contract and the corresponding PMO
Participation in the Board of Directors of the new National Agency of Public Equipments «ANEP»
July 08, 2020
Series of remote meetings
July 1, August 11, September 23 and October 23, 2020
Series of remote meetings organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Labour and Professional Integration, the Millenium Challenge Morocco and the CGEM for a prospective approach to current and developing skills for the construction sector and associated industries
Development and harmonization of the statutes of the FMCI
June 17, 23 and 26, 2020
Work of the AD HOC Committee responsible for the elaboration and harmonization of the statutes of the FMCI bodies: Sectoral associations, Colleges of trades and specialties, Rules of procedure with new provisions on telework
Effective participation in the Webinar organized in partnership with the FNS and GIPSI
June 07, 2020
Participation in CGEM Webinars
June 03, 2020
Participation in FIDIC Webinars
June 03, 2020
Third meeting of the FMCI National office
May 30, 2020
May 27, 2020
Organization of the second FMCI webinar
May 22, 2020
Organization of the first FMCI webinar
May 19, 2020
Information note FMCI NI/01/04/20
April 13, 2020
COVID-19 questionnaire
Sending a note to Ministers signing the contract program with the FMCI
April 10, 2020
Sending to the Ministers signatories of the program contract with the FMCI: MI, MEFRA, MAPMDREF, MENFPESRS, MICEVN, METLE, MEME of an overall note specific to their Ministry on the Contribution of the Moroccan Federation of Council and Engineering «FMCI» to address the spread of COVID-19, reporting on the progress of the WFCI Action Plan and recommendations regarding the maintenance of consulting and engineering activities, indicators and impacts in the pandemic recovery and post-crisis phase, with a step-by-step analysis of the questionnaire submitted to the members and elements that can be developed by the FMCI and its members as part of the reflections on the new socio-economic model of Morocco.
Sending a Note to the Head of Government
April 10, 2020
Sending to Mr. Head of Government a global note on the contribution of the “FMCI” to deal with the spread of COVID-19 reporting the progress of the action plan and recommendations of the FMCI regarding the maintenance of activities, indicators and impacts related to consulting and engineering in the pandemic recovery phase and post-crisis, , with a step-by-step analysis of the questionnaire submitted to the members and elements that can be developed by the FMCI and its members as part of the reflections on the new socio-economic model of Morocco.
Sending a Note to the Minister of MATNUHPV
April 04, 2020
Sending to Minister MATNUHPV a Note on the Contribution of the “FMCI” to address the spread of COVID-19 reporting the progress of the action plan and recommendations of the FMCI regarding the maintenance of activities, indicators and impacts related to consulting and engineering in the pandemic recovery phase and post-crisis. Accompanied by a step-by-step analysis of the questionnaire submitted to members and elements that can be developed by the FMCI and its members in the framework of the BTP activity.
Visio conferences of the members of the Cell FMCI - COVID19
April 02, 2020
Information note FMCI NI/03/02/20
March 23, 2020
Information note NI/03/02/20 of March 23, 2020
New press release from the cellFMCI-CVES COVID19
March 19, 2020
Press release FMCI/CVES COVID19/01/03/20
Information note FMCI NI/03/20
March 17, 2020
Contribution of the FMCI to deal with the spread of COVID 19.Creation of a listening and support unit - Action plan. Creation of a listening and support watch cell and action plan to address the spread of COVID-19 (Information Note NI/03/20 of March 17, 2020) working in perpetual consultation with the Presidency and the bodies of the FMCI and with an action plan based on the following axes:
- Axis 1: Coordination with the public authorities and the country’s driving forces;
- Axis 2: Listening, communication and support of sisters and brothers and their eco-system;
- Axis 3: Citizen contribution of the council and engineering in the mitigation of the effects of the pandemic and its possible evolution.
Completion of the Fit-Up of the New FMCI Headquarters
March 14, 2020
Celebration of Women's Rights Day at the FMCI headquarters in Rabat
March 13, 2020
Celebration of Women's Rights Day at the FMCI headquarters in Rabat, launch of the initiative of the Women's Collective of the Council and Engineering “
Participation in the meeting on accountability and commitment of principals in terms of risk management
March 11, 2020
Participation in the meeting on the responsibility and commitment of principals in terms of risk management vis-à-vis their subcontractors and suppliers and signature of the charter.
Second meeting of the National Office in the new headquarters of the FMCI
March 10, 2020
Second meeting of the National Office in the new headquarters of the FMCI. Main decisions:
- Declaration to the authorities of the new FMCI headquarters ;
- Adoption of the economic model of the permanent structure ;
- Accession of new members and reinstatement ;
- Creation of a collective of women in consulting and engineering "COLCIF" ;
- Adoption of the decisions resulting from the work of the joint commissions with the Ministries and the roadmap enriched in the AGO of December 2019.
Meeting with the Secretary General of "MATNUHPV"
March 05, 2020
Evaluation meeting with the Secretary-General of MATNUHPV on the work of the Committee "FMCI/MATNUHPV".
Preparatory meeting for the International Building Exhibition "SIB"
March 05, 2020
Participation at the Ministry MATNUHPV in the preparatory meeting for the International Building Exhibition "SIB"
A meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry "MEME
March 02, 2020
Following the October 2019 meeting with the Minister of Energy, Mining and Environment "MEME", a meeting was held with the Secretary General of the Ministry to launch the work of the joint commission.
Laboratory activity meeting
February 25, 2020
A meeting was held in the offices of animator Mr Ahmed ILOU of the "ad hoc" committee in charge of the review of the system of qualification and classification of laboratories resulting from the meeting of the National Board on December 21, 2019.
FMCI participated in the ANRUR meeting
February 25, 2020
FMCI participated in the regional meeting of the National Agency for Urban Renovation and Constructions Threatening Ruin "ANRUR" organized in Tangier. Mr Khalid BENJELLOUN, a member of the FMCI, represented the President of the FMCI at this meeting, highlighting the role of consulting and engineering in the implementation of the value chain of the Agency's activities.
4th edition of the industry mornings
February 18, 2020
FMCI participated in the 4th edition of the industry mornings. Nabil BENAZZOUZ, was invited as a speaker in the third panel just before the speech of the Minister of Industry MICEVN.
The World Urban Forum WUF10
Du 8 au 13 février 2020
Nabil BENAZZOUZ represented FMCI in the ministerial mission led by Minister MATNUHPV in Abu Dhabi to the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES to participate in the work of the World Urban Forum WUF10.
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP
February 07, 2020
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP including the redesign of the approval system and the fluidification and simplification of the current system of renewal of certificates and the price referential.
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / MEFRA -TGR
February 06, 2020
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint committee FMCI / MEFRA-TGR in charge of the implementation of the roadmap resulting from the meeting of January 16, 2019 with the Treasurer General of the Kingdom. This fourth meeting focused on the recasting of the text of the public procurement decree and the valuation of consulting and engineering services.
The day organized in Kalaat Sraghna on professionals and urban planning
February 01, 2020
Mr. Mohamed MOUNDO Member of FMCI Marrakech region Safi represented the President of FMCI at the day organized in Kalaat Sraghna on professionals and urban planning by highlighting the role of the Council and Engineering in the value chain of the urban planning approach at the national and regional levels.
The new Building Code Act
January 31, 2020
Concertation with the MATNUHPV on the new Building Code Act.
The General Assembly of CGEM
January 22, 2020
Participation in the General Assembly of the elective CGEM.
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP
January 21, 2020
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP including the redesign of the approval system and the fluidification and simplification of the current system of renewal of certificates and the price referential.
A meeting was held in Casablanca with some members of the ARC
January 15, 2020
As part of the meetings with the regions, a meeting was held in Casablanca with some members of the ARCI Centre and was an opportunity to gather their concerns and expectations as well as their contribution to the roadmap of the National Office renewed in December 2019.
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / MEFRA -TGR
January 14, 2020
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint committee FMCI / MEFRA-TGR in charge of the implementation of the roadmap resulting from the meeting of January 16, 2019 with the Treasurer General of the Kingdom. This fourth meeting focused on the recasting of the text of the public procurement decree and the valuation of consulting and engineering services. With FMCI's presentation of a cartography of the approach to be carried out in mixed commission and an international benchmark for prices by percentage.
The first meeting of the renewed National Bureau
December 21, 2019
Held in Rabat of the first meeting of the renewed National Bureau. The ten members elected on December 7, 2019 were joined by 17 other members appointed in accordance with the FMCI statutes and internal rules to form the body of the National office responsible for implementing the action plan renewed and enriched by new resolutions and recommendations of the AGO.
The functions within the national office have been constituted and its permanent statutory committees have been assigned as follows :
Attributed to
1st Vice President
Abdellatif BERRADA
2nd Vice President
Ahmed ILOU
3rd Vice President
El Mustapha SAOUD
4th Vice President
5th Vice President
6th Vice President
General secretariat
General secretary
Mohamed JALIL
Vice- General secretary
CP 1
Organization of the Profession, Competitive and sustainable development, innovation ;Organization of the permanent structure.
CP 2
Consulting and Engineering Markets; Mutualisation and Partnership in Morocco and abroad.
CP 3
Legal and Tax
CP 4
Communication, and public relations ; Publication, Scientific, Technical and Social Events.
CP 5
Relations with Public Authorities and Professionals ; Contract program
Other members will join the National office as other bodies federated by FMCI are constituted and harmonized in accordance with the FMCI statutes and internal rules and the resulting tree structure. The commissions will have to work transversally, in harmony and with the support of all the instances ASCI/ARCI/COLCI.
Participation of the FMCI in the "construction" eco system day organized by CIMAT.
December 17, 2019
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to participate in the day organized by the company CIMAT to discuss the Quality of concrete with professionals in the "construction" eco-system. He animated with M Mhamed LAAZOUZI (MIBIANE) and Abdellah ELOUALI (LPEE) the second panel devoted to the quality and durability of concrete by reporting their evolution from planning to evaluation through design and monitoring of implementation and highlighting the role and missions of consulting and engineering within the ecosystem. An FMCI stand was also set up on the occasion.
Re-election of Nabil BENAZZZOUZ, President of a new FMCI national office.
December 7, 2019
In accordance with the regulations in force, the statutes and internal regulations of the FMCI, the members of the Federation held an Ordinary General Meeting "AGO" in Rabat. The AGO unanimously approved the outgoing Bureau's moral and financial report while thanking it for the efforts made to implement the ambitious action plan announced since December 10, 2016 and to strengthen the role and position of the FMCI as an essential institutional interlocutor for public authorities and the entire ecosystem. She then unanimously asked the outgoing president to propose a renewed list of national offices to continue the work started. Thus, Mr. Nabil BENAZZOUZ (IDAFA), was elected for a second and final mandate at the head of a list made up of the following members: Abdellatif BERRADA (TECHNIPROJET), Ahmed ILOU (ADI), Mostapha SAOUD (MSI CONSEILS), Hicham SLIMANI (SMAILIA STRUCTURES), Mohamed ELKHECHAI (LPEE), Mohamed BELMAMOUN (LABOTEST), Mohamed JALIL (HYDRAUMET), Mhamed LAAZOUZI (MIBIANE), Khalid NADIFI (WAMAN CONSULTING). To this elected list will be joined the other ex-officio members from regional, sectoral associations and colleges of specialties constituted and renewed in accordance with the corresponding standard statutes and internal rules of the FMCI.
5th meeting of the joint committee "FMCI / MEFRA - TGR"
November 28, 2019
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint committee FMCI / MEFRA-TGR in charge of the implementation of the roadmap resulting from the meeting of January 16, 2019 with the Treasurer General of the Kingdom.
This fourth meeting focused on the recasting of the text of the public procurement decree and the valuation of consulting and engineering services.
17th meeting of the National Office of the FMCI
November 16, 2019
The purpose of this meeting was the following agenda:
- information;
- Preparation of the next General Assemblies.
Meeting of the Joint Commission FMCI METLE - DATRP
November 4, 2019
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP including the redesign of the approval system and the fluidification and simplification of the current system of renewal of certificates.
Meeting of the Joint Commission FMCI METLE - DATRP
November 1, 2019
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP including the redesign of the approval system and the fluidification and simplification of the current system of renewal of certificates.
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI received by Mrs Nouzha BOUCHAREB
November 1, 2019
The President of the Moroccan Federation of Consulting and Engineering, Nabil BENAZZOUZ was received on November 1, 2019 by Mrs Nouzha BOUCHAREB Minister of Planning of the National Territory of Urban Planning and Housing Policy «MATNUHPV "; attended this working session which was held at the headquarters of the Ministry the two Secretaries General, Central Directors and other officials of the Ministry and representatives of the National Office of the FMCI.
After a short presentation on the progress report of FMCI as part of its national roadmap since the signing of the program contract with the Government in September 2018, the President of FMCI addressed the specific aspects of the MATNUHPV foreseen in the agenda.
After discussions and fruitful discussions, the Minister MATNUHPV and the President of the FMCI have agreed to further reinforce the dynamics that characterize the work of the joint commission "MATNUHPV - FMCI" to contribute to the success of the new model of economic and social development desired for our country.
Meeting at the Ministry MEME on Thermal Regulation
October 29, 2019
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of FMCI and Mrs. Nadia ZEDDOU coordinator of the Water, Energy and Environment Association "ASCI3E" took part in the meeting chaired by the Minister of the MEME on thermal regulation .
4th meeting of the Joint Commission FMCI / MEFRA - TGR
October 29, 2019
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI led a delegation of the FMCI to continue the work of the joint committee FMCI / MEFRA-TGR in charge of the implementation of the roadmap resulting from the meeting of January 16, 2019 with the Treasurer General of the Kingdom has redrafted the accreditation system and streamlined and streamlined the current certificate renewal system. This fourth meeting focused on the recasting of the text of the public procurement decree.
Constitution of the National Council of the FMCI
October 26, 2019
In accordance with article 19 of the statutes and article 9 of the rules of procedure of the FMCI adopted respectively on 23 November 2016 at the Extraordinary General Assembly and 5 September 2018 at the National Bureau Meeting No. 11, two regional associations and two other sectoral associations took the lead. initiative to set up the National Council and elect one facilitator and three alternates to be able to join the other regional and sectoral associations or colleges as and when.
After informing the National Office and following the validation of the constitution process, the President of the FMCI declared the national council statutorily and validly constituted.
16th meeting of the National Office of the FMCI
October 26, 2019
The purpose of this meeting was the following agenda:
- information;
- State of progress of the mixed commissions with the various ministries including: METLE, MATUHPV, MEFRA, SAME, MI, MENFPESRS, MJ, MTIP, MLRP ...
- Update on the process of overhauling the approval system, fees, Procurement Decree, CCAG EMO, Construction Code, RGC, ...
- Organization of the profession, the FMCI and defense of their interests: Colleges, Sectorial Associations, Regional, National Council, Permanent Secretariat ...;
- 10th National Day of Council and Engineering.
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI received by Mr. Aziz RABBAH, Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment
October 18, 2019
The President of the Moroccan Federation of Consulting and Engineering, Nabil BENAZZOUZ was received on October 18, 2019 by Mr. Aziz RABBAH, Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment "MEME"; attended this working session, which was held at the ministry's headquarters the director of the minister's office, the central directors and other officials of the Ministry and representatives of the National Office of the FMCI.
This first meeting opens a framework for exchange and sharing between the Ministry and the Federation around the various reforms that the Ministry is currently starting and that will actively involve the FMCI in order to contribute to important projects dealing with the regulation, standardization and development of expertise in the consulting and engineering sector and to capitalize on national know-how to support its regional and continental influence. .
For his part, Mr. Nabil BENAZZOUZ presented a general overview of the consulting and engineering sector, the fmci and its sectoral and regional associations, its affiliated trade colleges, its governance and its development plan. action as a representative institution and in particular the implementation of its program contract signed with the Government in September 2018 and finally its proposal to contribute to the convergence of national strategic plans. .
At the end of this meeting, it was agreed that a joint MEME / FMCI committee be created and will have as mission to contribute to the development of a roadmap and a framework for continuous consultation on actions related to the council. and engineering in the ministry sectors, in collaboration with the institutions under his supervision. .
FMCI participation at the 25th World Road Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
October 4 to 7, 2019
FMCI's active participation in the Moroccan Official Delegation to the 25th World Road Congress held in Abu Dhabi at the United Arab Emirates, conducted by order of the Minister of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water " METLE "by the Secretary General of the Ministry Mr. Khalid CHARKAOUI.
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI received by Mr Mohamed EL GHARASS, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education
The President of the Moroccan Federation of Consulting and Engineering, Nabil BENAZZOUZ was received on October 1, 2019 by Mr. Mohamed EL GHARASS, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research " MENFPESRS "; attended this working session which took place at the headquarters of the Ministry the Secretary General, the Director of Training and other officials of the Ministry and representatives of the National Office of the FMCI. Including the president of the ASCIF / ABCF sectoral council and training association. The working session focused on the presentation of the FMCI and discussed the new law on training and other aspects related to the delivery of training benefits.
Launch of the Master's EHTP on BIM with the support of FMCI
Launch of the Master's EHTP on BIM with the support of FMCI
8th International Congress of Sustainable Building "Cities to be" in France
September 11 to 13, 2019
Active participation of the FMCI in the Moroccan ministerial mission in France led by the Minister of National Land Planning, Urban Planning and Housing Policy by the Secretary General of the Ministry Ms. Majda ELOUARDIRHI
September 4 to 7, 2019
Active participation of the FMCI in the Moroccan ministerial mission in Switzerland led by Mr. Abdelkader AMARA Minister of Equipment, Transport of Logistics and Water "METLE"
FMCI / METLE - DATRP Joint Committee Meeting
July 31, 2019
FMCI / METLE - DATRP Joint Committee Meeting
Working session at the Ministry of Justice
July 22, 2019
Working session at the Ministry of Justice
FMCI Involvement in Continuing Education Day
July 15, 2019
FMCI Involvement in Continuing Education Day
Nabil BENAZZOUZ been received by MUATHPV
June 10, 2019
The President of the Moroccan Federation of Consulting and Engineering, Nabil BENAZZOUZ was received, on June 10, 2019 by Mr. Abdelahad FASSI FIHRI Minister of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning, Housing and Housing Policy. the city "MUATHPV"; attended the meeting, which was held at the Ministry's headquarters the two Secretaries General of the Ministry, the central directors and several officials ...... the FMCI was strongly represented through a delegation of several chairpersons of standing committees, regional associations and sectoral ... After a short presentation on the progress report of FMCI as part of its national roadmap since the signing of the program contract with the Government in September 2018, the President of FMCI addressed the specific aspects of the MUATHPV foreseen in the agenda of the hearing: 1. Institutional work outstanding related to the organizational projects of the profession and the FMCI; 2.Code of construction and amendments outstanding; 3.Law 66/12, missions and responsibilities and site book; 4.Review and valuation of the methods and levels of consulting and engineering fees whose impact on the optimization of investment projects is well established. 5. MUATHPV - FMCI Conferences; 6.Other communication activities of sharing and synergies.
Audience granted by the DGI to a delegation of the FMCI
March 21, 2019
Audience granted by the DGI to a delegation of the FMCI in preparation of the tax base and in order to expose the specificities of the consulting and engineering sector.
Meeting at the Directorate of Labor
March 21, 2019
Meeting at the Directorate of Labor on the Charter of Safety and Health at Work.
Meeting in Casablanca
March 13, 2019
Meeting in Casablanca at the request of the confreres concerned by the Hassan II affair.
FMCI / TGR Joint Committee Meeting
March 7, 2019
First meeting of the FMCI / TGR Joint Committee
Very constructive meeting of a large representative delegation of the different components of the FMCI to the DATRP
February 13, 2019
Very constructive meeting of a large representative delegation of the different components of the FMCI to the DATRP to examine and discuss the new system of dematerialization of the accreditation system.
Participation on the board of the EHTP
February 6, 2019
Participation on the board of the EHTP
13th National Office Meeting
January 26, 201
13th National Office Meeting that addressed issues affecting the profession including the accreditation system, organization, compensation, ... and other issues
A hearing was granted to a delegation of the FMCI by the Treasurer General of the Kingdom TGR accompanied by his direc
January 16, 2019
a hearing was granted to a delegation of the FMCI by the Treasurer General of the Kingdom TGR accompanied by its central directors and focused on the Valorization of the council and engineering, fees, access to the order, review texts such as decree Procurement, CCAG EMO, CPC, CPS type, RC, .... in an iterative, transversal and especially interactive approach based on cross-analyzes of texts that are often interdependent and also on a continuous watch of the texts issued by the various actors of the public authorities. This very constructive and positive meeting will be followed by successive working sessions to discuss the proposals of the FMCI and in consultation with the other representatives of the public authorities: METLE, MUATHPV, MI, ....
a meeting was organized with the confreres of the Casablanca region
January 12, 2019
A meeting was organized with the confreres of the Casablanca region
The implementation of the 2018/2022 program contract
January 09, 2019
A hearing was granted on January 9, 2019 to a delegation of the FMCI led by the President, the Minister Delegate in charge of relations with Parliament, the Civil Society, spokesman of the Government. The very constructive meeting allowed to examine the stakes of the implementation of the program 2018/2022 contract in terms of texts of laws and regulations able to develop the council and the engineering. A joint monitoring committee has been set up to oversee the implementation of a roadmap of actions to be carried out.
Meeting on the homogeneous grouping of approval domains
December 13, 2018
Following the memoranda sent by the FMCI to the METLE and in connection with the proposal of homogeneous grouping of the accreditation domains and simplification of the process of granting and renewal of approvals, a strong delegation from the national office of the FMCI took part in the meeting. held at the DATRP with the various representatives of the owners and the DATRP.
Launch meeting of the study on the industrial eco-system of renewable energies
December 07, 2018
After the meeting of August 2, 2018, the FMCI participated on December 7, 2018 in MIICEN Ministry at the launching meeting of the study on the renewable energy industrial ecosystem (ENR) conducted with the solar cluster and renewable energies.
Day organized in Fez by CMB, CMMSG
November 30, 2018
Several members of FMCI participated in the day organized in Fès by the Moroccan Committee of Dams "CMB" and the Moroccan Committee of Mechanics of Soils and Geotechnics "CMMSG" on the work underground. This day was followed on December 1st by the visit of the M'DEZ dam.
Day organized by ASMEX in Casablanca
November 28, 2018
Yasser BERRADA member of the BN and President of the Legal and Tax Committee participated with other confreres in the day organized by ASMEX in Casablanca for the common development of exchanges and the promotion of Moroccan-Belgian know-how and its sharing in regional and continental scale.
the Moroccan-Belgian day held in Rabat
November 27, 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI participates in the Moroccan-Belgian day held in Rabat in the presence of his Royal Highness Princess ASTRID, Minister of the UATHPV and representatives of other professions.
The implementation of the program contract
November 26, 2018
A meeting was held between the Secretary General of METLE and the two presidents of FMCI and FNBTP federations for the coordination of the joint commissions charged with the implementation of the program contract signed on 24 September 2018 in Al-Hoceima and the acceleration of the institutional projects priority for both professions.
9th Council and Engineering Day
November 23, 2018
FMCI participated in the official scientific program of SIB 2018 with the organization of a day of consulting and engineering entitled "For a citizen and performance consulting and engineering" with two round tables dealing respectively with the themes of the National Housing Council road and the contribution of the Council and engineering and priorities of the profession in light of the signing of the contract program.
13th Occupational Safety and Health Forum
November 23, 2018
At the 13th Occupational Safety and Health Forum, Khalid MISSAOUI Secretary General of the Interprofessional Safety Group "GIPSI" and member of the FMCI welcomed with the participation of other confreres the Minister of Labor and Professional Integration.
17th edition of the International Building Exhibition
November 21, 2018
The President of the FMCI and several members of the National Office attended with the representatives of the other professions at the official opening of the 17th edition of the International Building Exhibition and the inauguration of the exhibitions by the Head of Government, the Minister of the UATHPV and the Secretary of State for Housing.
2018 SIB Lounge
November 21, 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI presents the Space Consulting and Engineering "ECI" arranged at the Salon SIB 2018 to the Head of Government and the official delegation that accompanies him whose guest of honor is the Minister of the Cote d 'Ivoire by exposing the challenges of the profession and its essential role in development.
African Road Safety Forum in Marrakech
November 13, 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI accompanied by several members participated in the 1st Africa Road Safety Forum in Marrakech.
Day organized by MIICEN Ministry
November 12, 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, president of the FMCI participated in the day organized by the MIICEN Ministry on the role of the eco-quality system in the industrial acceleration plan by moderating the first panel bringing together public authorities and professionals.
E POWER Building Exhibition
November 12 to 13 2018
Fouad HERRADI member of the National Office and president of the communication committee represented the FMCI within the Moroccan delegation who accompanied the Minister of the UATHPV to participate in the exhibition "E POWER Building" organized in Spain and having designated Morocco invited to 'honor.
The second session of the National Housing Council "CNH"
October 24, 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, president of the FMCI took part in the work of the second session of the National Council of Habitat "CNH" which he was recently designated by official bulletin as a permanent member. The work chaired by the Head of Government focused on the Council's roadmap. The FMCI has thus made its recommendations to enrich the roadmap and implement it in the best conditions of efficiency and relevance.
AGO of the FNBTP held in Casablanca
October 20, 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI and members of the National Office of the FMCI were invited to attend the AGM of the FNBTP held in Casablanca on October 20, 2018. He thus recalled the genesis and issues of the contract program that now bind the two FMCI and FNBTP federations to the Government.
10th National Road Congress in Al-Hoceima
September 24 to 26, 2018
Several members of the FMCI participated in the 10th National Road Congress in Al-Hoceima and contributed to the animation and enrichment of debates focused on governance and financing and also dealing with the technical aspects of design, realization, exploitation and maintenance.
Signing the contract program
September 24, 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI has proceeded with the President of the FNBTP to the signature of the program contract declined in a framework contract with the government and 10 contracts of application with the Ministries: MI, MAEC, MEF, MUATHPV, MAPMDREF, MENESFP , METLE, MIICEN, MEMDD, MTIP .. This contract constitutes in fact an institutional reference framework for future negotiations with the public authorities to reach concrete provisions applicable by 2022.
The proposal of the FMCI
September 20, 2018
A meeting was held with the Director of the DEP to present the proposal of the FMCI for the homogeneous grouping of accreditation domains
The proposal of homogeneous grouping of the domains of approvals
September 11, 2018
In view of the weekly attendance at the Accreditation Commission meetings, a meeting was held with the DATRP to discuss the problems experienced during these commissions and the immediate solutions to be implemented to reduce the delays caused by the review criteria. renewal files and also cyclically by the period of holidays. The proposal for homogeneous grouping of approval areas has been reiterated and the MOAs will be seized to give their opinion
Work and consultation meeting
1st of August 2018
A working and consultation meeting was held at FMCI headquarters at the initiative of one of the BN members carrying out a strategic study on the maintenance of schools.
the President of the FMCI exposes before the Minister all the problems and challenges that the profession knows
July 6, 2018
Minister METLE granted a hearing to the President and members of the BN of the FMCI. This hearing, granted to the FMCI following his request, was an opportunity for the President of the FMCI to give an oral presentation to the Minister of all the problems and challenges facing the profession: access to the order, valuation of services, remunerations, payment deadlines, market management, organization of the profession, ... and which had been the subject of the exhaustive memorandum addressed to the Minister in March and May 2018. After having shown a great listening for more than one At the time of the presentation of the FMCI, the Minister METLE took note of the complaints of the FMCI while congratulating the study and sustainable approach adopted by the FMCI able to confer on its actions more efficiency and effectiveness. He then proposed to create a joint commission chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry and the President of the FMCI with the necessary personal support of the Minister. This commission must hold its first meeting as soon as the school year starts.
Information day organized by the METLE
03 July 2018
Participation in the information day organized by the METLE on public order access systems.
Expose to the Minister the issues and challenges of the profession
20 June 2018
The Minister MUATHPV granted a hearing to the President and members of the BN of the FMCI. The opportunity to expose to the Minister the stakes and challenges of the profession, including the organization, the definition of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in the act of building, the regulatory texts such as the code of the construction, the texts of application of Law 66/12, the mode and level of remuneration of the council and engineering,
Engineering Day in Laayoune
May 12, 2018
Participation of Nabil BENAZZOUZ and Mohamed JALIL, respectively president and secretary general of the FMCI at a day of engineering in Laayoune.
FMCI was received by the Minister Delegate for African Affairs
May 09, 2018
A delegation of FMCI was received by the Minister Delegate for African Affairs to examine the export potential of consulting and engineering.
the meeting of said council held in Casablanca
08 May 2018
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, president of the FMCI, appointed member of the Board of Directors of the EHTP, took part in the meeting of said council held in Casablanca under the chairmanship of Minister METLE.
Ordinary General Assembly of the FMCI
March 26, 2018
A FMCI Ordinary General Assembly was held in Rabat and validated the update of the roadmap resulting from the December 2016 action plan, to decide a certain number of resolutions concerning the recomposition of the National Office, the permanent structure and its means, the defense of the interests of the federation ...