Recent news
FMCI press release No. 2 on the FMCI action plan relating to the earthquake
FMCI field mission program
Interview with Nabil BENAZZOUZ President of FMCI
Press release from the FMCI concerning the ELHAOUZ earthquake
ETIC FMCI meeting on the program contract.
Meeting at FMCI headquarters with the regional manager of the DAR ALHANDASSA Group
Official launch day of the technological complex of the Ministry of Equipment and Water
Official launch of the strategic study to overhaul the approval system for consulting and engineering offices
Meeting of the Market Commission of Consulting and Engineering
Information day organized by the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research CNRST
Meeting at FMCI headquarters with the President of the Mediation and Arbitration Center
Meeting of the Board of Directors of ASMEX
Meeting with AMDIE and FNBTP
Internal meeting of the statutory committees of the board of directors of FMCI
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the day of the American Concrete institute and AMIB
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the day on mediation and arbitration
Meeting with members : NOVEC
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ at the reception at the Belgian embassy in Rabat
ETIC FMCI FNBTP meeting on the program contract.
International congress organized jointly by PIARC and AMPCR
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the investiture ceremony of the Director of the EHTP
Innovatel innovation days at Hassan II University in Casablanca
meeting at the DATRP on the finalization of the CPS and RC terms of the study on price benchmarks
Board Meeting of the FMCI
meeting of the monitoring committee of the program contract
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the UNIDO mission on the recovery of construction waste.
meeting organized by ARCI Casablanca and its eco system: FNAGRI, FIMME, etc.
Participation of the President of the FMCI Nabil BENAZZOUZ in the presentation day of MEE investment projects in Rabat
Participation in the restitution seminar of the prospective study conducted by the MCA and the Ministry of Employment
FMCI Board of Directors Meeting
Election of Mr. Nabil BENAZZOUZ, Chairman of FMCI
Round table: "Consulting and Engineering and strategic intelligence in development"
Participation in the Morocco today forum
Organization within the space stand of the FMCI of the side event
Participation in conferences organized by the CNOA and the FMC
Organization within the space stand of the FMCI of the side event
Organization of the first conference of the scientific program of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22
Participation in the inauguration of the International Building Exhibition SIB 22
Meeting n°11 of the National Office
Interview given to the LE MATIN Group
Participation in the Tuesday panels of the industrial branches
Participation on the sidelines of the road congress
Participation in the round table on regionalization
Presidency and animation of workshop n° 1 of the congress
Inauguration of the new FMCI regional association
Signing of the FMCI agreement. EHTP. FNBTP
Participation in the meeting organized by FIDIC and ICC
RBN No. 11
Participation 4th international conference
FMCI participation in the symposium
Hearing of the FMCI by the National Authority for Probity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption
AMPCR General Assembly
Meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the Government / FMCI program contract
Road congress preparatory meeting
Participation in the World Day for Health and Safety at Work
Meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Government / FMCI program contract
Meeting with senior MEF officials
Extraordinary general meeting
RBN No. 10
Participation in the preparatory meeting for the SIB exhibition
Participation in the second meeting of the steering committee
2nd Meeting with the DATRP
Conference on the techniques of wind resistance studies
Conference on the techniques of wind resistance studies
Hearing dedicated to the FMCI
Meeting with the National Agency for Public Facilities
Participation in the meeting of the board of directors
Meeting No. 5 of the Implementation Monitoring Committee for the Engineering and Business Development Program Contract
Meeting n° 8 of the FMCI National Office
Participation of the FMCI Chairman in the work of the ANEP Board of Directors.
Working meeting with ASMEX authorities.
Meeting No. 4 of the Implementation Monitoring Committee for the Engineering and Business Development Program Contract
Resumption of the work of the joint commission with the DATRP
Preparatory meeting for the 11th National Road Congress
Resumption meeting of the MEE / FMC joint commissions
Meeting n° 7 of the FMCI National Office
First meeting of the steering committee for the implementation of the FMCI FNBTP Government program contract
Participation in the day of workshops on road studies
Participation in the consultative meeting held at the DGRTT
Participation in the Webinar on climate organized by the World Bank.
Participation in the AGO
Participation in the SISTEP opening panel
Participation in the meeting of the Board of Directors of ANEP
Participation in the meeting of the Establishment Council of EHTP
Participation in the workshop organized by the Ministry of the Interior
The meeting n°6 of the FMCI National Office
Participation in the meeting of the Board of Directors of ASMEX
FMCI National Board meeting n ° 6
Participation in the ASMEX Board of Directors meeting
Participation in the day organized by MUATNHPV and MHAI
Follow-up meeting
Participation in EHTP
Participation in the BERD workshop
Participation in the meeting held at the Ministry of the Interior
Reception of a Mauritanian ministerial delegation in the premises of the FMCI
Mission to Dakhla
2nd meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Contract Program
Meeting with the consultant in charge of the contract PMO
5th Meeting of the national office of FMCI
Meeting with the Secretary General of the «METLE»
Meeting with the consultant in charge of the contract PMO
Webinar organized by «UMAQ»
Sending of a letter memorandum to the «METLE»
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the EHTP School of Engineers
Meeting with the consultant in charge of the Contract Program Implementation
Meeting with the Presidency of the Government
Meeting with the major contractors
Fourth meeting of the FMCI National office
Launch of FMCI's second member survey
Participation in the Webinar organized by Attijari Wafa Bank
9th meeting of the Joint Commission “TGR/FMCI”
Mission to Laayoune to meet with colleagues from the south and some government officials
Participation in the world conference "How to design the cities of tomorrow"
Participation in the work of the Qualification Committee of experts involved in the OSH sector
Participated in the «FMC» Webinar on Innovation in Construction Materials and Processes
Convention with the Ministry of Health and the National Federation of Health «FNS»
8th Meeting of the Joint Committee TGR/FMCI
Meeting with Rabat City Council
Letters addressed to the Head of Government
Meetings at "DATRP"
Participation in the Board of Directors of the new National Agency of Public Equipments «ANEP»
Series of remote meetings
Development and harmonization of the statutes of the FMCI
Effective participation in the Webinar organized in partnership with the FNS and GIPSI
Participation in CGEM Webinars
Participation in FIDIC Webinars
Third meeting of the FMCI National office
Organization of the second FMCI webinar
Organization of the first FMCI webinar
Information note FMCI NI/01/04/20
Sending a note to Ministers signing the contract program with the FMCI
Sending a Note to the Head of Government
Sending a Note to the Minister of MATNUHPV
Visio conferences of the members of the Cell FMCI - COVID19
Information note FMCI NI/03/02/20
New press release from the cellFMCI-CVES COVID19
Information note FMCI NI/03/20
Completion of the Fit-Up of the New FMCI Headquarters
Celebration of Women's Rights Day at the FMCI headquarters in Rabat
Participation in the meeting on accountability and commitment of principals in terms of risk management
Second meeting of the National Office in the new headquarters of the FMCI
Meeting with the Secretary General of "MATNUHPV"
Preparatory meeting for the International Building Exhibition "SIB"
A meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry "MEME
Laboratory activity meeting
FMCI participated in the ANRUR meeting
4th edition of the industry mornings
The World Urban Forum WUF10
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / MEFRA -TGR
The day organized in Kalaat Sraghna on professionals and urban planning
The new Building Code Act
The General Assembly of CGEM
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / DATRP
A meeting was held in Casablanca with some members of the ARC
A FMCI delegation to continue the work of the joint commission FMCI / MEFRA -TGR
The first meeting of the renewed National Bureau
Participation of the FMCI in the "construction" eco system day organized by CIMAT.
Re-election of Nabil BENAZZZOUZ, President of a new FMCI national office.
5th meeting of the joint committee "FMCI / MEFRA - TGR"
17th meeting of the National Office of the FMCI
Meeting of the Joint Commission FMCI METLE - DATRP
Meeting of the Joint Commission FMCI METLE - DATRP
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI received by Mrs Nouzha BOUCHAREB
Meeting at the Ministry MEME on Thermal Regulation
4th meeting of the Joint Commission FMCI / MEFRA - TGR
Constitution of the National Council of the FMCI
16th meeting of the National Office of the FMCI
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI received by Mr. Aziz RABBAH, Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment
FMCI participation at the 25th World Road Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Nabil BENAZZOUZ, President of the FMCI received by Mr Mohamed EL GHARASS, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education
Launch of the Master's EHTP on BIM with the support of FMCI
8th International Congress of Sustainable Building "Cities to be" in France
FMCI / METLE - DATRP Joint Committee Meeting
Working session at the Ministry of Justice
FMCI Involvement in Continuing Education Day
Nabil BENAZZOUZ been received by MUATHPV
Audience granted by the DGI to a delegation of the FMCI
Meeting at the Directorate of Labor
Meeting in Casablanca
FMCI / TGR Joint Committee Meeting
Very constructive meeting of a large representative delegation of the different components of the FMCI to the DATRP
Participation on the board of the EHTP
13th National Office Meeting
A hearing was granted to a delegation of the FMCI by the Treasurer General of the Kingdom TGR accompanied by his direc
a meeting was organized with the confreres of the Casablanca region
The implementation of the 2018/2022 program contract
Meeting on the homogeneous grouping of approval domains
Launch meeting of the study on the industrial eco-system of renewable energies
Day organized in Fez by CMB, CMMSG
Day organized by ASMEX in Casablanca
the Moroccan-Belgian day held in Rabat
The implementation of the program contract
9th Council and Engineering Day
13th Occupational Safety and Health Forum
17th edition of the International Building Exhibition
2018 SIB Lounge
African Road Safety Forum in Marrakech
Day organized by MIICEN Ministry
E POWER Building Exhibition
The second session of the National Housing Council "CNH"
AGO of the FNBTP held in Casablanca
10th National Road Congress in Al-Hoceima
Signing the contract program
The proposal of the FMCI
The proposal of homogeneous grouping of the domains of approvals
Work and consultation meeting
the President of the FMCI exposes before the Minister all the problems and challenges that the profession knows
Information day organized by the METLE
Expose to the Minister the issues and challenges of the profession
Engineering Day in Laayoune
FMCI was received by the Minister Delegate for African Affairs
the meeting of said council held in Casablanca
Ordinary General Assembly of the FMCI