Recent news

Since December 2016 and by its revised statutes, the FMCI has launched in the framework of a commission dedicated the reflection on the creation of colleges of trades to which will eventually belong any practicing engineer in a consulting and engineering office member of the FMCI. This will enable better identification, listing and monitoring the evolution of engineering skills operating in projects.

In 2019, eight colleges of specialties and trades were created :

  1. Civil engineering, Development and urban « COLCI GCU »
  2. Water Resources Engineering, hydrology, hydrogeology and hydraulic « COLCI GHH »
  3. Agricultural Engineering, forestry and rural development « COLCI GAR »
  4. Electrical engineering, electronic « COLCI GEE »
  5. Engineering Industrial Products, energy and mining « COLCI GIE »
  6. Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautics « COLCI GMA »
  7. Digital Engineering and New Technologies « COLCI NNT »
  8. Economy, Finance, Management, QSE, audit « COLCI EMA »