Portail METLE
The regulation of public procurement is of great importance for Moroccan engineering, which generates more than 70% of its turnover in the framework of government contracts.
The text that governs, at present, the award and management of public contracts is Decree No. 2-06-388 of 16 moharrem 1428 laying down the conditions and forms of State procurement and certain rules relating to their procurement. management and their control. (OO No. 5518 of 19 April 2007).
This text is applicable to all state and local government markets, but remains outside its scope:
- the markets of public establishments and public companies, as well as the State conventions passed under the rules of common law. ;
- contracts for delegated management of services and public works.
Décret n° 2-06-388 du 16 moharrem 1428
The general contract clauses of the study and project management contracts - CAG EMO - set the general terms and conditions of contractual relations between the contracting authority and the holders of public contracts.
445/5000 The CCAG EMO, promulgated by the decree n ° 2-01-2332 of June 04th, 2002 (BO n ° 5010 of the 06/06/2002), is applied to the markets relating to the services of studies and also to the services of technical control , laboratory tests and analyzes of building and public works, as well as topographical and cartographic services, and communication services (design, production and distribution of films, spots, brochures, etc.)
DECREE n° 2-01-2332 du 22 rabii I 1423 (04/06/2002)
LAW N ° 12-03 Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA-
Law No. 12-03 mandates the use of impact studies for all projects that may have an environmental incident, including:
1-Establishments (unhealthy, inconvenient or dangerous classified in first category).
2- Infrastructure Projects (Roads and Highways - Railways - Airports - Development of Urban Areas - Development of Industrial Zones - Ports - Dams - Tourist Complexes, Sewage Treatment Plants and Ancillary Works - Marine evacuation vessels - Transportation of dangerous or toxic materials.
3 - Projets industriels (Mine; industrie de l'énergie; industrie chimique; industrie de transformation et alimentaires, Industrie de caoutchouc etc.)
4. Agriculture (Projets de remembrement rural; Projets de reboisement d'une superficie supérieur à 100 hectares; Projets d'affectation de terre inculte ou d'étendue semi-naturelle à l'exploitation agricole intensive.)
5 - Projets d'aquaculture et de pisciculture.
These projects are submitted before any authorization to the environmental acceptability by the issuance of a certificate of feasibility from the environmental point of view of the project. This certificate is issued by a regional committee, if the total amount of the investment does not exceed 200 million DH, beyond this amount the acceptability is pronounced by the national committee. The latter also examines all the files of cross-border projects (which concerns several regions) regardless of their amounts.